Green Home Additions

When it comes to your decision to go green, nothing can be more exciting than green home additions. Because you are going to start from scratch, having green home additions can give you the perfect opportunity to have a green project, which is a perfect green remodeling practice.  Here are some tips that you can follow in completing your additions to your new green home:

1.  Choose the right shade for your green home addition

If you are not sure whether or not to go green completely, it’s not a problem. Keep in mind that any green step you take while designing and putting up your home addition is going to pose a lot of benefits for your project—whether it’s an increase in your insulation levels, installation of energy-efficient windows or through the use of healthier and safer building materials.

2.  Calculate the true value of green home additions

Since most homeowners have the impression that green home additions are a very large project, most are asking about the price costs of going green. It’s really hard to determine the specific cost for going green because this will depend on the green level which a homeowner is really willing to commit. However, the earlier you decide and plan for your green home additions, the less it will cost you in the long run. As a tip, going green doesn’t have to be expensive. Matter of fact, most green building and construction materials are more cost-competitive as compared to the traditional ones. Moreover, green buildings are more focused on creating long-lasting and low-maintenance structures. This means, you’ll have to pay less for the repairs over the lifetime of your green home additions.

3.  It is a great idea to install low-energy, multiple pained windows with vinyl or wood frames.

Energy-efficient windows are great for increasing energy efficiency and for reducing the energy cost throughout your home.

4.  It is a great idea to install windows in an area with natural air movement and sunlight.

The proper placement of your windows allows the entry of natural lighting, natural cooling and natural ventilation during the summer, spring and fall seasons. Aside from these, it also facilitates and enhances passive solar heating during the winter and reduces the bad heating effects of the sun during the summer.

5.  Instead of an air conditioning system, install a whole house fan.

A whole house fan costs only a fraction of the air conditioning costs. These are a good alternative to air conditioning systems in places with hotter climates. These can even eliminate the need for an air conditioning unit for places with milder climates.

6. Install solar tubes, skylights, clerestory windows and light shelves.

All these can increase your home’s natural lighting. With this, you can save more with less artificial lighting that is very expensive.

7.  Instead of incandescent bulbs, use compact fluorescent bulbs.

Compact fluorescent bulbs are 75% energy efficient as compared to incandescent bulbs. suggests you hire someone who specializes in green remodeling and building to help you make plans and designs for the greenest home additions possible! is a comprehensive ecommerce website that combines robust commerce, content, and community.  We believe that we have created the most comprehensive site to date to make eco-friendly products, services, and information available to individuals who wish to live a green, more eco-friendly lifestyle.  Our site offers a very broad and diverse array of eco-friendly products as well as comprehensive, authoritative information and environmental education.  Additionally, users can enjoy the sense of community created by participating in our Forum.

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